Introduction to Power
It's everywhere. It's in every relationship you have. It's in every interaction with other people. When it isn't being used you still are aware of its potential. You can see it. You can feel it. You are surrounded by it. You want it. Yet you want to avoid it. You are disgusted by it. But you are also enticed and seduced. You see the genius in it. You see the hope and promise. You see the corruption - the horror. You have read about it. You have looked at artwork that embodies it. You sing songs and listen to music about it. Every movie ever made is about it. Every book ever written is about the quest for it. History is the story of it. Almost everything people do is in someway a small attempt to fight it, or attain it.
Power - strength, sway, clout, influence, control, chi, might, puissance, supremacy, dominance, seduction, persuasion, might, say, potency - power.
It is the drive to create the self.
It is the hope to be more than everyone else.
It is the quest for power.
It has many faces and forms: wealth, resource, strength, weaponry, knowledge, ability, skill, friends, allies, authority, love, beauty, charisma, salvation, hope.
Each with the ability to affect the Choice one might make.
Those who have it, the powerful, use it to control, influence or seduce anyone who might serve their purpose. And they are never satisfied with how much they have. They desire more.
Those subject to it, the rest of us, resist, revolt and reject it as corrupt and detestable. Yet still wrestle and toil in the faint hope that we may acquire our own.
Everyone uses it when they can. It is the tool of more than dictators, tyrants and generals. Mothers use it with their children. Priests use it with their parishioners. Lovers use it with their suitors. Teachers use it with their students. CEOs use it with their employees. Presidents use it with their people.
We spend our days using power. Or seeking power. Or resisting power. Or avoiding power. It is in the very nature of our beings. We are obsessed and saturated.
We can use it and abuse it. But do we understand it?
Where does it come from?
How does it work?
What is it really? What is this dynamic of power?
You are probably just like everyone else reading this.
Your career moves forward but you are unsure how. It certainly does not move fast enough or in the direction you want.
Your relationships bring as much pain as they do happiness. Friendships, family ties and loving partnerships all reduce into power struggles.
Romance is more of a game than a source of fulfillment.
You are tired of feeling pushed and pulled and pointed in a thousand directions. Your life is controlled and influenced and seduced by so many forces and so many people. You have lost count. You are powerless. You are afraid. You are exhausted. You feel helpless. You feel frustrated. You are angry.
These are the feelings of Power.
Power is about Choice.
Power is about Needs and Abilities.
Power is about control, influence and seduction.
Power destroys trust.
These ideas, insights and methods are for you.
This is your course on having power.