Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wag the Dog

We are celebrating Charlie's birthday tonight - he is 13 and that is one incredibly powerful age:).

Although I am compelled to blog about all of the infuriating and humourous dynamics popping up in our election - Green Party status in the debates, Harper's promise to save you tax money only after he gets his majority and four years to reduce the deficit, the eventual ganging up of all the leaders against the others - I have to admit that I am just as compelled to go watch tv with Charlie and tell him how happy it makes me that he was born and that I am proud of the person he is becoming.

So I know you will forgive me if I offer you a great movie all about the way politicians try to control the story the press carries - and how willing the press is to pass on canned information rather than investigate and report.

Instead of reading my blog tonight - though I thank you for your interest and hope you come by tomorrow - why don't you watch Wag the Dog and have a laugh at our crazy society obsessed with the games of power.

While you watch it, sit beside someone you love and scratch their back a little. Do it not for some future reward but just because you love them.

Needs and abilities don't always have to add up to power. When you use your abilities out of love rather than with the intention to satisfy your personal needs you will discover the opposite of power.


Have a good night:)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yee Ha! Let the power dynamics begin…

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. And every aunt, uncle, grandparent and distant third cousin has brought a gift just for me. Presents are stacked so high I can’t see the Christmas tree!
God Bless us every one!

And just a few days ago I was wondering what to blog about. Ha! Silly me.

Now I don’t know where to start.

The mechanisms of power are everywhere in an election. I thought I might explain the idea of authority and power by consent. But I could also go to town on the idea of information as a mechanism and its insidious nature when it comes to elections. Then I thought I might just tear the issues apart and show where the truth lies.

And of course the subtlety of Harper wearing a tie while Iggy goes with the open collar is begging to be dissected as a power dynamic. After all, there is a lot of money at stake here. Every detail is planned and calculated. I don’t want you to miss a thing.

Then came the epiphany…

I was sprawled on my couch in my post earth hour bliss considering the merits of my pillow when the always trustworthy Sandy Rinaldo popped her face on my TV and told me that she was about to fill me in on the first campaign day’s activities.

Oh Sandy you seductress…I thought I would at least hear her out.

Then she hooked me.

She told me that she was going to tell me all about the first day of the election campaign. But then she told me that I would hear about the Conservative, Liberal and NDP parties’ first day of pounding the pavement.


Last time I checked there are two other parties involved. One may be Quebec focused, but the other is a national party with over 1.5 million supporters.

Hmmm. Steven Lukes might call that the second and third dimensions of power.

The first dimension is simple “power over.” It is the ability to determine the choice being made. In this case – who you vote for. The politicians will do their best to influence your choice on election day.

However there is a second and third dimension that determine who should be considered when you make that choice and what the questions should be that determine how you make your choice. By actively excluding the Green Party and the Bloc Quebecois the CTV is telling you they are not an option. They are also making sure that you do not get to hear what those leaders are saying about issues.

Make no mistake; what we discuss as we try to make our choice will determine what choice we will make.

Mr. Harper has made it clear that he wants to talk about coalitions and politicians ignoring the will of the people. He is suggesting that this is the most important issue to consider and that you may want to cast a ballot to ensure such a coalition does not occur.

Mr. Ignatieff wants to talk about a Prime Minister in contempt of Parliament and how he is not trustworthy. You should cast your ballot to ensure that such a Prime Minister does not get to railroad Parliament.

Mr. Layton suggests that both Harper and Iggy are untrustworthy and that there is an alternative that will ensure that the aging population of Canada can retire in safety and security. He says reject those two and vote for me.

However, if you let Elizabeth May or Gilles Duceppe into the discussion, the discussion will change.

The Bloc and the Green Party are seen as vote splitters. They steal votes from the Conservatives, Liberals and the NDP.

If the Greens get into the discussion then the nearly one million votes they garnered in the last election could grow. And the Liberals and NDP might suffer.

If the Bloc gets a chance to join the discussion, the 1.3 million votes it received last time may grow. Liberals and Conservatives might see a shift. An unpredictable shift at that.

But if the Green are ignored and the Bloc are only discussed in Quebec, it is possible that the Liberals would form their own minority government.

If Harper wins his majority then we can expect his pro-American politic will facilitate a number of new things.

That is not good for CTV.

Make no mistake. Media is a business. That business of media has an agenda.

Recently Mr. Harper lobbied the CRTC to allow a FOX subsidiary news channel to enter the Canadian news market. Further he tried unsucessfully to have the cable companies mandated to carry it on their bands.

FOX is not known for its unbiased reporting. It has a pro right-wing editorial perspective.

Media in the USA have already gone to court to establish that it is not illegal to tell falsehoods on the news. It is why the American news media is seen as less credible around the world. And FOX was the named defendant in the case that established that telling a lie in the news is not illegal.

This is meaningful because news is not about truth. It is about viewers and advertising revenues.

In Canada the leader is CTV. But if FOX news came to town the people might be swayed. That would be good for Harper, but not for CTV.

Now don’t go painting me with the Mr. Conspiracy Theory label. That is just an attempt to malign my ideas without dealing with them – like the CTV is doing to the Green Party.

Why else does the major news media in Canada choose to ignore a party that one million Canadians voted for? (7% of the voters)

Why does an organization that has the potential to define the election issues with its reporting ignore real issues and focuses on entertaining people with name calling and finger pointing?

If it isn’t some exercise of their ability to decide what information gets out there so they can influence the choices people make on election day, then what is it?

Information is power, right? With power comes responsibility, right?

Why wouldn’t CTV want to see Canadians make choices based on the most pressing of practical issues? Why wouldn't they want to play a meaningful role?

Why wouldn’t they want to honour the words of Alexis de Tocqueville when he said that democracy cannot exist without a working free press?

Just asking…maybe you have a better answer...

In the United States, the majority undertakes to supply a multitude of ready made opinions for the use of individuals, who are thus relieved from the necessity of forming opinions of their own.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

All we have are the choices we make.

Every Monday night the Power Course has bonus movie night. I play a movie after class and everyone who stays to watch it gets a bonus mark. Sometimes we talk about it. Sometimes we just go home.

Once each semester we go out for a movie rather than stay at the college. Last night was Movie Out Night and we chose to see the Adjustment Bureau.

It was good choice because it is a movie that is all about choice.

Free will.


Are these opposites?
Or is Choice how we fulfill our destiny?
Have we chosen our fate using our free will?

We think of Life as being lived in minutes and hours and days and years.
But I think it is helpful to consider that Life is lived in increments of Choice.

It is not as easy to measure as time, but I think it is more meaningful.

Choice by choice. Decision by decision.
Even when we let habit make our choices,
or when we let other people make our choices,
even when we make no choice in a situation,
they are still Choices.

Just because we don't make them does not mean they aren't choices.
They are still the increments of our lives.

Many of our choices are made by others using power.

Others try to create an experience of control, influence or seduction.
They do that to control, influence or seduce a choice we are about to make.

The target of power is always a Choice.
The purpose of power is to impact Choice.
It is what power is for - to control, influence or seduce our choice to say, think or do something.

Power is about choice.

Overcoming power is to make a choice inspite of the experience of power. It is about making a choice that you have decided is best for you regardless of the efforts of others to change that choice.

Making choices deliberately and actively - every day - with passion and conviction - is how life is lived and power is defeated.

Choice is all we have.

All I have are the choices I make.

So today, after you read this, don't let habit or power make your choice.
Make a real choice.
And live.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Overcoming Powerless

When I feel low in positive energy it is usually because of some power dynamic in which I am feeling powerless.

Powerless sucks.

Powerless is like not being fully equipped to live life. It is like feeling not strong enough. It is like feeling not smart enough.

It feels like I am not loved.

I think that’s what we all want. We just want to feel loved.

Everything else adds up to that.
We all have needs. In this physical world we are all just walking pools of need. When the needs aren’t being met and we are not able to have others fill those needs, we get that powerless trip.

At those times I try to remember that it is all an illusion – an experience – an illusory reality manifested by the creative ability of our minds.
There is no such thing as powerless.

In those moments I take a trip.

I put on the head phones. I find some old music. I mean old. I mean from when I was twelve and I used to put vinyl on my dad’s stereo.

And then I go to our old home. Lying on the cool hardwood floor of the living room. It is mid July and the sun has just set. It is the evening. The air is warm but the shift to the cool soothing night breeze has begun. My parents are just outside the front door, sitting in the lawn chairs. I can hear them talking over the music on the stereo. I can’t hear what they are saying but they are happy to be talking. I hear dad laugh. It is always calming to hear dad laugh.

The occasional car hums by.

I can see through the sheer curtains the lights on in the ballpark across the street. If I listen close I can hear the occasional ting of an aluminum bat and roar of the men playing ball.

The humid smell of summer flowers and grass in the air comforts me.

My eyes close. My body rocks with the music.

I am safe and loved and truly content.

Then God gives me the gift of a train whistle off in the distance.

And I dream of what might be.

I dream of far off places where I am a baseball player. Or a rock star.
Or a dad.

I in that moment of rich possibilities I feel powerful.

We all have needs.
But we all have abilities.

Today has been good. And tomorrow will come…soon.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Poor Charlie Sheen

Poor Charlie Sheen.

Playing out a power dynamic without first considering how badly you are needed usually works out badly.

Power is about needs and abilities. Charlie’s abilities are, unfortunately, replaceable.

Chuck Lorre has a list of successes. Each of his shows have been very profitable to the people who make the ultimate decisions and who really only care about profitability.

Moreover Lorre is not publicly attacking the people who write his paychecks.

The question is who needs who? The power dynamic will always go the one who feels his need the least. Chuck Lorre has some pretty solid things to keep him busy - Big Bang Theory and Mike and Molly. His resume is solid. He has proven his worth to those who make the decisions.

Chuck Lorre has a multitude of people who want to work for him.

Charlie Sheen has a fun resume. The last few years on television have been good to him. His popularity, though sometimes dubious, is proven as well. Charlie is important to TV.

He is important to Jimmy, Jay and Dave - but not for the reasons he hopes.

Charlie Sheen seems to have one show about to end and some illusory promises for movies. I hope they come through for him.

He does not seem to be valuable to his children who he has lost.
He is valuable to his ex wives who are using his embarrassing moments to secure their control over the children.

However, he is playing the power game as well as he might in the circumstance. If fact I offer him a certain amount of praise. He is present on news shows everyday. He is playing to those who love his lecherous and besotted characters. He is making his points and fans are listening. Charlie has a connection to the audience. He is personable and lovable. He is recognizable and real to the people. He may even be sympathetic to some of us.

Most of us wouldn’t recognize Chuck Lorre if he bit us on the proverbial.

Unfortunately, I don’t think Charlie is as important to us as he thinks.
I am afraid that fans of Two and a Half Men will simply change channels.
Maybe to Big Bang Theory.

I do not think Chuck Lorre needs him as bad as he needs Chuck Lorre. And so the power game will go to the producer not the star.

In fact we may see the nastiest proof of that power yet.

Next season will begin with Charlie Harper dying in a car crash.
We can fill two shows with characters reminiscing.
Charlie could get some royalty money :)

Hundreds of beautiful women will turn up to for his funeral only to spit on his grave. Cut to all those face slaps, insults and Charlie’s loveable but sinister smile.

Among that crowd of well wishers, idolizers and revenge seekers will emerge a new wholly despicable, yet lovable, womanizer (the as of yet, unknown, bastard son of Evelyn from a crazy night at Woodstock with a rock star) who will break Alan’s heart because Charlie’s house and money was left to the bastard in Charlie’s will. Of course the will stipulates that Alan can live there for the rest of his life and the battle of brothers will continue.

You won’t even need to change the name of the show. We can reuse some of the old jokes. He could try to bed Judith. Maybe another baby from a Harper brother...

Sounds kind of interesting doesn’t it?
Maybe I should call Chuck.
Hey Chuck maybe you need me…
Maybe I have some power after all.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

A visit with Jess

I was visiting Jess yesterday and she told me about an experience with someone trying to recruit her into a multi level marketing regime.

Let’s focus on the power…as always that means examining the needs and abilities in play.

The persuasion process started with flattery. We all need to feel good about ourselves. Anyone who can make us feel better about ourselves has power.

She got recruited because she is a dynamic personality who is very persuasive with people when she wants to be. Her high energy and passionate approach to making every day “the best day ever” is engaging and contagious. That kind of positive emotional approach makes people want to be around her and makes people want to be like her. She represents what most people want – an incredibly happy everyday life.

So, when a new friend suggested that because she is such a dynamo that she must meet someone that has an incredible new business idea/opportunity, she was both flattered and enticed. It played into her need to be seen as a wonderfully positive person and her natural desire to turn her energy into success.

As I keep saying, Power is always bi polar - two sided.

Jess was invited because she had what the recruiter wanted - otherwise the recruiter would not be interested in her. A person like Jess who makes people feel that life is beautiful and dreams come true, is the kind of maven that can sell you anything if she believes in it. Everyone who knows Jess knows that she can find ways to make the impossible happen. If she tells you that you have to try a new product, or that you need to get involved in a new business, you are compelled to listen to her.

They wanted her ability to use power. She has the infectious charisma that influences us all – we all want to be as happy as she is.

She would be a multi-layer marketing dream if she believed in the idea.

So seduced by flattery and the possibility of success she attended the first meeting.

The person she met, let’s call him Mr. Business, had his credibility endorsed by a mutual friend who appeared to be facilitating Jess’s happiness. She was open and engaged.

Mr. Business started the conversation with the big hook – How much money would like to have? What would you do with it? What would your life look like if you had all that money?

Because of his credibility Jess played along and gave him what he wanted – an understanding of her needs and desires.

Yes she likes money, but it is not everything to her. Happiness and the ability to help others are just as important to her. So he pressed her until she told him this. He made her say it out loud. She had no reason to think he was going to use power. This person had been introduced by a friend – a friend that was sitting there and encouraging her to follow Mr. Business down his road.

Then what would you do with the money? Help charities? Alleviate poverty? Save the world?

Yes all those things! Jess would love to save the world and make everyone happy. She dreams, deep in her heart, that she will make a significant difference to the world. That is the place all her beauty comes from.

So this is when the power started. Mr. Business understood her needs and desires. As such he tried to show her how his idea would lead to her triumph.

You know, this is why we hate power. Because it is the process of using people to accomplish our desires by exploiting their needs. It’s why we all keep our dreams hidden. It is why we only tell our closest friends about your deepest desires. It is why we don’t even like to think about our wishes.

Our intuitive knowledge of Power makes us think that our dreams are somehow our weaknesses.

We know instinctively that when someone else knows what we want, they will use it to get what they want.

Jess was feeling a little skeptical and off balance at this point. (These are the emotions that tell our intuition that power is at work) She knew she was exposed but she wanted her dream to come true, so she hung in there. And the persuasion began…he used everything he learned about her to get her to choose to get involved.

Power is all about choice.

He showed her how easy it would be for her to sell the product. How easy it would be for her to succeed. How easy it would be for such a vibrant person to sell a product that makes people healthy and happy.

“Can you give someone a CD and ask them to listen to it? Just tell them it will change their life if they just give it a try. Just listen to the CD…here just try it? Try it on me…”

She played along…she asked, “This will change your life. Would you listen to this CD?”

Then he tried to set the hook.

“See, you are a natural. It’s so easy isn’t it?”

But Jess knows power when she sees it. And all the alarm bells started ringing. She realized this was a MLM scheme pitch and that he was using her honest openness against her.

She turned it around. She exposed him. He dodged and avoided but she had him figured. To save what was left of her trusting heart and get out of the rest of the meeting she did the “I’ll think about it.”

He wouldn’t give up. He called her later and tried to hook her on the phone. He used everything he knew about her to try to get her back. And that’s when it happened.

He lost her friendship forever.

And the friend that recommended them to each other? Well his friendship is now in question too.

Power destroys trust.

Every time we use power to try to control, influence or seduce the choice someone is about to make, we wreck the relationship we have with them. If someone is willing to use your needs to get what they want, then they see you not as a person, but as a means to an end.

Thanks Jess. You taught us a little more about power today.