Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lies as power mechanisms

Power is about choice.

We control, influence or seduce a choice by creating an emotion in the subject. They are emotions of anger, excitement or – most effective of all – fear.

Choices are made with information.

If the information creates fear, the choices are obvious.

However, information can be manipulated or even fabricated. It can be selectively shared or withheld.

We usually call any manipulation of the truth a lie, partial truth or deception.

People who get other people to help them tell a lie fit the classic definition of conspiracy.
It is funny however, that we attack those who attack systematic deceptions as conspiracy theorists.

Whatever I say, I encourage you to examine the ideas for yourself. Don't accept my words. Do your homework and formulate your opinion.

Some people call me a nut.
However those people are so busy trying to protect their fears that they don't take the time to conduct their own research to find the truth. They are incapable of critical thinking and so I don't really have any respect for the opinions of those people. Their insults don't hurt.

Mostly I feel sorry for them. We are all people walking the path. Trying to find our way through this human experience. Trying to find happiness. Trying to make our way back to oneness.

We suffer and we do whatever we can to avoid the suffering.
So from time to time, when the suffering is too great, we will believe a lie.

It`s easier. It`s safer. It`s simpler.

Lies are a mechanism of power. They work because they fulfill a need - just like any mechanism of power.
The source of all power is the need of the subject.
When it comes to the lies about 9-11 we believe them because we want to. Because we need to think our government, and the people in it, are honest and care about us. We need to think that we will be ok and that no one would really manipulate everyone so badly just to get what they want - just to make money.
Unfortunately, the only thing necessary for a lie to work is that people want to believe it.
I have read through the 9-11 Report. I have seen the news reporting. I have watched the videos produced by many people who want truth and who are trying to create the truth. I have read many books.
Here is what I know.

Private companies and their owners make a lot of money when a country is in a state of war. They make the money by building weaponry.

From the 1950’s to the 1990’s we lived in a constant state of fear. Fear of the Soviet Union’s world domination agenda. Our governments had no trouble getting us to spend vast amounts of money on military build up and nuclear weapons. These were built by private profit oriented corporations – not government personnel. Those private firms made a lot of money.

By 1990 the Soviet Union had fallen. So we created the threat of Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. That kept our fear going. It kept the weaponry business employed.

But the UN searched and searched Iraq and found no evidence of weapons of mass destruction.

Then in the early summer of 2001 the US Congress did the unthinkable. They told us we did not need to be afraid anymore. They told the manufacturers of weapons that we did not need a Missile Shield system and the shut down the production of a hundred billion dollar contract.

Then terrorist planes hit the WTC and other “targets.”

We are afraid again.

Now we have two wars – one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

And now ten years later, after trillions spent on defense, the US government is in so much debt, no one thinks it will ever get out of it.

Other things I know:

The Al Qaida and the Taliban are extensions and successors of the Mojahedin. They were a guerrilla organization started in Iran and Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets after they invaded Afghanistan in 1979. They were armed by the US by sneaking weapons in through Iran. They were trained by US military in camps around the world. This is common knowledge.

George Bush Sr. was the subject of an assassination attempt by Iraqi personnel when he was visiting the “newly freed” Kuwait after the first Gulf War. This is common knowledge.

The Bush’s and the Bin Laden’s are long connected. This is common knowledge.

There were three buildings that collapsed on 9-11. World Trade Centre buildings 1 and 2 which everyone saw fall. Also WTC 7 collapsed . Of course it is said that it fell due to the spreading of the fire from 1 and 2. However that fire spread very curiously because it went right over WTC 6 which only experienced partial collapse and damage. These are pictures from FOX news. They are common knowledge.

Thousands of architects and engineers agree that the collapse of the three buildings could not have been caused by the planes. Moreover, the collapses look exactly like planned demolitions. This organization has been around a long time and their science is common knowledge.

Many people have alleged that President Bush knew of this event before it happened. No formal investigation has been conducted and the family members of the deceased have asked many times. This is common knowledge.

Richard Clarke, who was the White House Counter Terrorism advisor under four different presidents, has stated clearly in his book, that Bush was warned, that Bush was told that there was no connection between Al Qaida and Iraq and that Bush told him to make a connection somehow so he could justify a war with Iraq. This book was a best seller.

Outside the Pentagon there was no wreckage of a 757. No bodies. Not even a reliable piece of the supposed plane. Many people of the press have said that the hole is too small to be a plane of any size. Look at the photographs your self.

There is a lot more information and allegation out there. But I offer only information that is well known and is proven fact.My answer to the cynics who call us conspiracy theorists - I dare you to try to prove to me that your version of the story is true. Use facts and pictures and prove you are right.

Every year I am upset by the continuing lie of 9-11 and the willingness of the public to believe the lies.
Planes crashed into buildings and people died. For this we need to grieve.

How and why it happened has not been established yet. For this we should grieve as well.

The western world economies are in chaos because of the enormous borrowed spending on wars and defence. For our lost future we should also grieve.

Lies are mechanisms of power. Lies can control, influence or seduce the choices we make. Lies exploit our needs to our detriment and pain.

Lies should never be tolerated.