I'm back
More focused on choice than ever before.
This one gets to me good, so I had to speak up.
Do you really have any?
You live in a world that seeks your compliance.
Go to school. Learn what we tell you. Sit down and listen. Be quiet.
We will teach you what you need to learn. It will get you a good job and a happy life.
Follow the rules and be a good citizen.
Has the illusion of safety become our highest value?
is it better to be safe than to be great?
I want to be safe too.
But I don't assume all people are bad and out to hurt me or someone else.
Don't you think that if everyone was busy living the life that they wanted, rather than striving for the unachievable top in a hierarchical world, we would be more likely to leave each other alone in peace?
Wouldn't we be safer if we stopped creating poor people in a money based world?
So many find themselves ill-prepared, or even sabotaged, by a system that not only rewards unfairly but also inhibits those who do not fit into the narrow confines of an out-of-touch and out-of-date american dream.
Every day I teach students who feel like they are preparing to be part of a failing system.
And they are right in that assessment.
Where will the next great social system come from if we demand conformity?
Who will step up and offer new ideas if they are being watched and monitored as if they were criminals?
Isn't the advancement of any field lead by those who reject the common view and consider the possibilities?
This is the importance of privacy.
I am not a criminal because I question authority and advocate for new ideas.
That is what promoting entrepreneurial thinking does.
It is what I teach.
I teach a simple idea - Be Free. Start your own Business. Everything in the market place can be better. Go for it.
I think I am an advocate for what is best in people. Creativity, initiative, vision.
Sometimes we need to challenge the status quo. Sometimes we have to support others who do the same.
But I am being watched.
Every movement I make is tracked by 20 different apps on my phone.
And those are the ones that I agreed to.
How many apps or programs on your phone are doing the same thing without your permission?
And where is that data going?
How many of my conversations are monitored?
How many of my texts and tweets get reviewed by some AI programmed to assume that everyone is a criminal and any idea outside the norm is unacceptable?
That is the reason to support privacy.
The underlying assumption behind the surveillance of everyone is that we are all criminals and we need to be afraid of each other.
The only people who think this are those who have been trained to think this. This is unnatural. It is unfair. It is counter-intuitive. It is counter-productive.
The nature of creative innovation is challenging society as we know it. Everyone who thinks things could be better is not a criminal.
This is why I advocate for privacy.
Privacy encourages new choices.