When we understand that all the power against is the result of our own set of complicated and compounding needs, we open the door to see the truth of Depowerment.
There is great understanding in knowing the Source of Power. The insight into the process of power is instrumental to knowing and having power. Without seeing that the power you seek resides in the person you seek to influence, you can do little more than the monkey and the typewriter. Eventually you will do something that results in power but it can't be called intentional. When, however, you understand that the Source of Power is need, that it is thing you target to have power over someone, power becomes both possible and intentional. Great leaders know this stuff. The average person doesn't.
That is the first thing I want to share.
What would the world be like if everyone knew how to use power? If everyone had an equal ability to intentionally, deliberately, and effectively use power?
I think it will change the world. There will no longer be the "us" and "them." We will recognize how we are our own slave-creator and that they are just as likely - no, absolutely are, - subject to being our slaves as well. If we want them to be...
But there is a more important opportunity here. It will be the focus of the second book.
Knowing the Source of Power, that is locating it and becoming familiar with it, is what will allow us to address it within us. Not addressing it in others to use power. But addressing it in ourselves to stop their power. And addressing it is more important. It is certainly more effective.
This insight into ourselves is itself powerful. It is powerful however because of the opportunity it creates.
If we can control our needs, and the need based relationships we create, we are in a position to control our own susceptibility to power. We can stop the ability of others to use power over us.
Seeking power, taking power, using power, this is empowerment. The Empowerment craze of the 80' and 90's has done nothing for our society except make things worse. Yes there are some small benefits in the workplace as we give workers more control over their work. But that is entrepreneurship not power. We can still fire their butts if we want. There is no real power per se. That is just an enhanced authority (power by consent) to those who show keen interest in success.
Empowerment for women has not made relationships any better. Yes, through things like professor Wolfe's Fire with Fire, women may see that playing the games men play against the men may cause men to feel uneasy and out of control, and possibly generate in women feelings of greater control. But in the end it is not real power because it does not address the Source of Power. It uses the Source from time to time. But by accident, not by intention. More important though, it only proliferates power, it does not improve our situation.
If the only way we can get along as equals is in some prolonged mistrusting game of power, well, then what have we gained? If we still base our relationships in some balanced power dynamic, what kind of relationship is that? Moreover, it cannot end well. Eventually the scales will tip again. It does not matter in whose favor they tip. Because ultimately what we have are relationships operating as power dynamics. One side using the needs of the other to control them.
There can be no love in that. There can be no real intimacy in that. There can be no growth as humans in that. Society may shift but the game remains the same and we all lose.
Look where empowerment has lead our society. People try to control others more and more every day. Whether it is the pursuit of wealth, political office or celebrity and fame, the quest for power is about creating an in equality for some to enjoy a benefit over others. To be better. To have more. To see ourselves as somehow entitled to a better life than others. Our western society has come to live in a constant state of war and we are not even concerned about this.
This is where our empowerment understandings and our cultural love/hate relationship with power have lead us.
The great idea that comes from understanding the Source of power is not the gaining of power but the ability to avoid power.
Power destroys trust. Trust is necessary for relationships. Relationships are the only real external source of growth and happiness. The increase of power decreases happiness. The decrease of power will create a chance for happiness to come in.
Depowerment is the ability to keep your needs from being subject to others attempts at using power. Depowerment is the removal of power from a situation. Depowerment is freeing the circumstance from the influence of of power. Depowerment stops others from having control. Depowerment is self control. Depowerment is trust. Depowerment helps build relationships.
The Source of Power lets us have power if we want it. Empowerment. More of the same. Same shit, different person, so to speak. But the understanding of the Source of Power is what could depower our lives. Something new, something different, something better. Usiong the same understanding and targeting ourselves rather than others.
A higher evolution of relationships.
Maybe even the beginning of true compassion.
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