Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Gen "Y" Not?

Why not?

Really, why not?

The sense of powerlessness comes from being controlled and dismissed for too long.

It is true that many of our western institutions and structures are so well established that to even question them gets a reaction of harsh criticism. But that does not mean that we shouldn't question them.

You have been raised in a rich protected time. You have been given so much that you feel satiated. But in this process you have been controlled and you feel like there is no point in trying anything new. There is no value in stepping out of the box.

Everything I could want is in the box - why would I leave?

Because there is one thing that is missing - happiness.

You are not happy or you would not be running to IM's, PS2's, movies, music, sex, porn, drugs and drinks.

You think you are controlled and that any claim to change is pointless.

That is power. And the absolute truth of power is simple;

Control is an Illusion. The only thing you control is how you respond to the circumstance which is before you.

So respond.

You think that you can't make a difference so you walk away and get drunk. You go play a game. You go find someone you love and hide away having sex.

That is not responding. That is hiding. That is not living. You were born to live. Just like everyone before you. And everyone that will follow you.

Wake up! Control is an illusion.

So is your fear.

A smart man once encouraged the questioning of all things.

Not a politician. Not a rebel. Not a trouble maker. A spiritual teacher.

"Believe nothing merely because you have been told it...Or because it is traditional, or because you yourselves have imagined it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings--that's good doctrine. Believe it and cling to it, and take it as your guide." Siddhartha Gotama Buddha

The control you feel is an illusion.

There is more to be had.

You have power.

Accept it.

Deal with it.

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