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Well, you have already heard me speak of the Y Bother Generation.
You know my concerns.
Yesterday I had the most exciting experience. About 20 students from Fleming and Trent sat together in a meeting discussing why youth do not vote. Afterward they began strategizing about how they might address those forces of apathy. Each left with specific duties and goals. Each, I think, was elated and energized by the support of the others.
This is why I do what I do.
I am a lucky man. I love my job. When I can spend my days surrounded by the power young hopeful minds, I am grateful.
When I can share these simple lessons about power with them and then witness the change in their attitudes and lives, I am a privileged man.
Remember the analysis behind our discussion.
The source of power is need. The politicians need votes. To get those votes, they commit themselves to acting in the interests of those who have supported them.
That's why the banking laws favor the banks not the depositors. That is why there are no regulations restricting banking fees.
That's why car insurance costs so much. Because the insurance lobby is the strongest lobby in Canada.
That's why so many of our laws support the view of the baby boomers. They are the ones who vote.
That's why the Kyoto protocol is not implemented. That's why there is a war in Iraq. The people with the money are the ones who cast votes and make donations. Those donations are spent on the advertising that controls what issues we talk about. The ads decide what happens in the election.
And it is no coincidence that of the $25 million to be spent on advertising in this unnecessary Federal election, very little of it will be spent on Much Music, youth radio stations and youth magazines.
You don't vote.
The politicians are counting on it. They are betting $25 Million on it.
Now you might say what is the point? Who cares what I think? What power do I have?
You have what they need.
You have a voice to use to ask the hard questions. They need you to be silent. That way they can control the issues and topics of discussion. Their need gives you power.
You have an opinion that can be shared and discussed and proliferated. They need things to be simple. You can make them complex.
They need money for advertising. You have more disposable money than any other age segment. If everyone under the age of 25 gave $1 to their favorite politician that would mean more than $12 Million dollars spent on media you consume. They need that money and that is your power. It is your power to get them to talk to you and consider you and your ideas. They will be forced to listen and respond. That means you get to understand and effect what is going on around you.
They would no longer ignore you.
They need your vote. They are expecting that you will not use it. Therefore they don't need to represent you. They don't need to listen to you.
They don't need to consider what kind of world they are leaving behind for you to clean up and try to make right.
They can focus on what they want.
And if you vote, well that scares them. Because they don't understand you. They don't know how to take care of you and the others too. But since you don't demand to be listened to - because you don't vote - you don't use the power you have.
Your power is their need. They need your vote. They all need it. They don't want to let the other guy get it. So they will start to compete with each other to get it. Watch how when they know you are going to vote how they start to make the kinds of promises that matter to you.
So scare them. Log onto the link above and make sure you are registered to vote.
Use your power and watch this election change over the six weeks. Watch them respond. Watch them change the issues.
In the last election I was worried about how I might vote.
I have voted for every party at some time in my life. I am that swing vote that they talk about all the time.
In the last election we had a Green Party candidate for the first time. I knew that there was no chance that that sorry fellow was getting elected. And if I voted for him I might lose the chance to make a difference in how the battle between the liberals and the conservatives turned out. I knew that I wanted a particular government.
But I voted Green anyway because I know in my heart that nothing is more pressing right now than addressing the climate change that has begun. There will be no Canada in 100 years if we do not start to act.
Did I waste my vote?
No. The popular vote garnered by the Green Party in that election has resulted in more than $1 Million coming to them as an official party. They are now able to promise to have a candidate in every riding. They can now spend $1 Million on advertising and have an impact on what are deemed to be the relevant issues of this election.
Will they form a governement? Heck no. Not a chance. But their presence forces the other guys to consider the issues. It reminds them that millions of Canadians care about these issues. And it lets them know that if they want to beat the other guy and get my vote, they better start talking about fixing things.
They want my vote. That is my power. They know I cast my vote everytime.
Every vote counts. It really does.
Authority is power by consent. You don't get a chance to give consent often. So when the chance comes, take it. It will count.
It will count because they need it. That is your power.
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