Thanks for your help. Traffic here at the blog has been growing steadily for a few weeks now.
I hope I am giving you meaningful ideas that are helping your lfe.
Understanding power, when every interaction in our lives is power-based, is a very useful thing.
I have been responding to questions - please send me more!
Either here, or on facebook.
I hope you have found the questions and the answers interesting.
You do me a big favor by indicating what you think of the posts at the bottom.
It is my dream that you come back again and again and each time you come here you find something that helps you live your life.
That would make my life worthwhile:)
Now you know my need, feel free to use it for power.
I want to thank Stu for challenging some of the thoughts. It is in dialogue that we find the truth.
I have been concerned that some people who are not connected to the college or the course are interested in the topic but are unclear about the lexicon we use here. So I have decided to re-run some posts from the early days of the blog. They explain the concepts and insights.
Click the link below or the title of this blog and it will send you back in time to past posts. Please ask the questions that they stimulate - I only want to help:)
Over the next few days I will cover the fundamentals - let me know if you enjoy it.
After you read that post come back here and let me know if it was worthwhile.
Talk soon...
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