Saturday, September 22, 2012

Your mind creates your reality

Power and information are deeply connected.

Power is about choice.

Choice is about deliberately weighing information and choosing.

Mis-information messes with the choices you might make.

Powerful people know this and so they mess with information. Check it out.

There are always at least two sides trying to mess with your perceptions of reality.

Using one to combat the other does not always lead to good choices.

But if you always try to avoid anger and seek more information, eventually your choices will allign with the reality you hope to create.

Remember - S/he who angers you, conquers you.

Bring lots of information into your life.

Remove the anger. Remove the power.

Make choices.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Love Rick

When power is abused, it is abused by people who ignore principles to get what they want.

Authority is a gift from people - Power by consent.
Using that power for your own purposes is the definition of corruption.

At least Rick makes us laugh about it.
