Monday, August 19, 2013

Talk to me...

Found this today.

I would love to hear what you think about it...

Post a comment and then link it to your facebook.
Maybe we can hear from a lot of peope in the next few days...

Be happy.


Justin Cumby said...

What about people in the workforce who witness practices that are unethical/questionable that win the company new business...and the motivation for power within that company is to eliminate those practices? Is that a harmful desire for power? I don't think so...

Thomas said...

I agree with the premise of this. Except that, I don't think anyone "need[s] power", we do however need love. Harmful actions, in my opinion, are committed because of a lack of love in one's life. Love not only in relationships, but love of one's self, and what they do. So, the only reason someone would want to commit a harmful act is to achieve the only real power, love. I am proposing that harmful actions are solely inspired by a search for love.

Mike said...

In my opinion, the lines are blurred between what is harmful and what isn't. What could be positive for one person could be harmful to another.

Love in itself is a power but I believe other power is needed to keep a balance because you will never have 100% of the world siding on the power of love. From power in the marketplace to military power to the power of loving your fellow man, it all drives progress. We just don't know to what end we're progressing.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Love is the cause of power. Without love people dont have a way to be controlled and influence becomes impossible. I believe love comes first and then is used against us by means of power.

eg. If I didnt love the outdoors and family no boss could use that as leverage to influence me to make the decision to work longer hours to get an extra day off and a camping trip with my family.

The same goes for money sure you can say you dont love money but you can love the things money can bring whether it is more vacations to spend with friends and family or to purchase your favourite coffee at (enter coffee shop here)

SeanDoran said...

I find this confusing.......

Was Gandhi not powerful?

What would have happened if Gandhi had not acquired that power??