Thursday, March 08, 2007

Think of the power...

The next big book I hope to write is one which explains how the needs and abilities analysis of power can lead to a revolution in our society.

We live in a free market. And that theme will go down in history as defining this age. The pursuit of wealth is the central purpose behind the actions of most people within this age.

The pursuit of wealth is nothing more than the pursuit of power. We seek money not because the stuff smells nice or looks wonderful hanging on the wall. We seek it because it provides us with the ability to satisfy all of our desires.

(Note I said desires not needs. We don't really even know what we need. We are only just discovering that.)

However behind this massive world wide quest for money is the greatest opportunity for power that has ever existed.

You can see the potential when you consider that CEO's around the world have become so concerned about what customers think of their companies that they are starting up committees to address global warming.

In a more traditional view of business - a la Freidman - these guys really have no right to be spending shareholder profits on such endeavours.

However we live in a marketplace of high competition and low margins. Every sale matters and when people tell corporate executives that the "personality" of a brand includes its behaviour vis. social matters like the environment and philanthropy, they sit up and listen.

The truth is they want your money so badly they will do what ever you demand to get it.

If corporations will rule the world and traditional democracy will die, then we can actively - deliberately re-create democracy with our spending. We don't have to cast a ballot in an election. We simply have to use our ability to buy the competitiors' products to trigger the power in the need of corporations.

They want money so bad we have endless power.

So use it....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Just a little thought I saw as I was surfing zaadz...

Power has limits...and it has problems.

But I guess we all know that.


Source: Thomas Merton: Essential Writings (Modern Spiritual Masters Series), Page: 130 Contributed by: Bob Royal. Thomas Merton said

For power can guarantee the interests of some men but it can never foster the good of man. Power always protects the good of some at the expense of all the others. Only love can attain and preserve the good of all. Any claim to build the security of all on force is a manifest imposture.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Herein lies the secret...

The more I think and learn about power the more this is true.

Those who know me, know I love this one.

I hope you find secrets in it.


Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.

If you realize that you have enough,
you are truly rich.
If you stay in the center
and embrace death with your whole heart,
you will endure forever.

Tao Te Ching as Translated by Stephen Mitchel