Sunday, July 07, 2013

There Oughta Be A Wall

There oughta be a wall - a great big wall a mile long and 10 feet high.
All along the top of the wall there would be signs with titles. The titles would represent every major issue in our lives today. Here in this society - in this global-everyone-included-everyone-matters world that we live in.

The titles would be things like “War in Iraq” or “911 Truth” or “Genetically Modified Foods” or “NSA Privacy Invasion” or “Right to Work Legislation” or “Executive Compensation” or “Bank Bailouts” or “The Occupy Movement.”  Or any other issue as and when it arises.
It would include any meaningful issue we are divided on and people call each other names over. The issues have to have significance. They have to matter to the future of the world.
The wall has to be maintained and taken care of so our great great grandchildren can see it and know.
Under every issue title there are two sides to the wall. One side painted red and one side painted green.
Under every issue each of us has to write our name in our own handwriting in permanent ink. Write it proud and clear so everyone can read it. Read it forever. Either we are for it, or we are against it. But you have to put your name up there.

You can change your mind. You can get that permanent marker and cross your name off one side and write it on the other. Everyone will be able to see that you changed your mind. You are allowed to change your mind.
But you have to write your name. You have to make a choice. You have to have an opinion (cause everyone does anyway) and you have to state it so everyone can see where you stand. So your grandchildren can see where you stood.
No free passes. If you don’t write your name you are part of the problem. No “I am not sure” or “It depends.” You have to state your view.

To not write your name is to be a part of the problem.
To change your mind is a sign of strength and courage. Because you went and looked and reconsidered and decided you were wrong and decided to take a different stand.
Now everyone can see where you stand – where you stood. They can see which side of the wall you were on.

Now your great grandchildren can say, “My great grandpa was one of the people who chose to plant GMO’s and that is why we don’t have bees any more.”
“My great grandmother said that this constant state of war was necessary to protect our country and now we live in a radiated world of nuclear fall-out.”
“Grampa said that terrorists should be held in detention centres and denied their rights. That is why when I exercised my free speech I was locked away forever.”
“My Great Aunt Sally said bailing out banks was good and now the USA is bankrupt and I live in a society without health care or highways.”

Now those are just my points of view. It could turn out the other way.

“My Grandpa said GMO’s were bad and now 10 billion people on this planet are starving.”
“My Grandpa said that 911 was a lie and because we let down our guard we were invaded.”
“My Grandpa said that bailing out banks is a type of communism and should be stopped. Now we have a monetary crisis.”
But there oughta be a wall.
There oughta be a wall because everyone who does not voice an opinion is part of the problem. The only thing necessary for the success of evil is that good people do nothing.
There oughta be a wall because everything we do, say or think has an impact and we are responsible for that impact. And we should be held accountable by the people effected by our decisions.
There oughta be a wall because everyone needs to think it through and get the information they need to make an informed decision. If there was a wall there would have to be freedom of information and everyone could find answers to their questions. They would make a choice and live with the consequences.

I don’t know if things would change.I don’t know what everybody thinks. I just know that we all need more information and those who are making the decisions need to be held accountable by future generations.
If they were, if they had their name permanently beside an issue, they would be more likely to think of the future.

Today I read about 40 million bees dying in Ontario. There oughta be a wall so we can know who is responsible. No corporation bashing. Just the people hiding behind the corporation making the decisions. Put your name on the wall.
Mr. Snowden thinks everyone should be aware they are being tracked and listened to. Of course they should know. Government that hides their practices is corrupt and irresponsible. Some say Snowden is making us unsafe. I think he is protecting us. The Tao says, “To have an enemy is to be an enemy.” I am nobody’s enemy. To mistreat your people is to invite revolution. If you don’t know that, you don’t belong in government. But either way – put your name on the wall.
9-11 was a lie. Call me a conspiracy theorist or any other name you can come up with. I don’t care – just put your name on the wall.
Our government is bashing workers to support the corporate profit motive because they give more donations to win elections than individuals do. You gotta be one lousy economist to not realize that if workers don’t have money to spend there will be no economy. Maybe I am wrong – but put your name on the wall.
The future will show who was right. I can live with that. But don’t be afraid. Life will continue. It is all going to happen anyway.

But there oughta be a wall.