Monday, February 12, 2007

Brantford Speak

I thoroughly enjoyed my day in Brantford last Tuesday.

The idea was to connect the insights into power to the conduct of business. Truth be known, marketing is one of the things that has taught me a lot about power. As much as my practice of law has.

Power is about choice. That is its purpose – to impact choices. Business is about getting people to choose our product over the competition’s offerings. The connection is obvious.

Nonetheless I was pleasantly surprised to see the flashes of enlightenment on the faces in the group. It is a subtle and almost trite revelation that the source of power is need. Most people would pause and say “Yes, and so…?” However as much as it is seems a small leap of logic to connect power and need, when people finally recognize that little nexus, they automatically start thinking of the implications. Those implications lead them to a thousand questions.

The questions are what I enjoy the most when we chat afterward.

If you have questions or thoughts – post them here.

I am thankful for the opportunity to come out and speak. If you would like a speaker for your events, let me know. We can customize these ideas in countless ways because power exists in countless forms.


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