Thursday, July 21, 2005


Choice is something that happens in the now. So power exists only in the now.

In the instant the choice is made, you will know whether or not power has succeeded. You will know which power forces have been dominant. It is in the choice itself, that power comes to life.

It is in the now that power succeeds of fails.

The causes and conditions that lead to the now are limitless. You can not fathom the chain of events and all the subtlies that have created the moment you are in. There is no need to try.

The future and the past just illusions.

Control is an illusion. The only thing you control is what you do right now

And it is in this moment, this now, that you make a choice. Within the process of power, the now is the only thing that is real.

Somewhere in that process, some actor has decided to try to influence your choice in some way. And in doing so they have created a situation in which their ability gets applied to your need to try to stimulate in you feelings of control, influence or seduction.

These feelings motivate you to make a choice that will somehow assist the actor. Although those feelings can motivate by tapping into fear and excitement, and although you may feel pushed, pulled and pointed, the choice remains yours.

The moment of choice does not disappear. The choice itself does not disappear. And that choice is yours.

Power is planned for the future. It builds and rises and accelerates. It requires the future. The promise or threat of the future is what makes us willing to comply. But none of that is real yet. All that is real is the now. The moment of choice arrives. And in that moment power is felt. But it is not real. It is an illusion.

It is it's confinement to the now that makes power vulnerable.

If you can see the illusion of the promise or threat, if you can see the only truth in the present moment, if you can see the true power in the moment of choice, then power remains yours.

To control others is strength,
But to control yourself is true power.

Tao Te Ching

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